Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Sick and Sad in Scrapland

I am soooooo disapointed. I had to backout of Scrapbook night with Tara =( She usually comes over at 7pm we order pizza (and more), then we watch A.I. or Dancing With The Stars (depending on the night) and we scrap til Dawn's early light.

I woke up this morning feeling as if my neck turned into a tree trunk. Everytime I lifted my head off the pillow I had an instant headache. I was suspose to have my blood drawn this morning, but I think that I would have fainted if I did.

I went to my Mom's to do the wash (I hate doing it there, but it would cost me $8-12 at the apartment's facilities). I had a light load (only 4 machines) and by the time I finished the FIRST load I was exhusted. I didn't even finish folding the last load, I just scooped everthing up (including the Kids) and stumbled into the car.

The kids are now watching a video. When Daddy cames home he can put them to bed and then go pick up Dinner while I watch A.I. laying on the couch. (not too selfish and demanding)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there, I hope you are feeling better now!!! Just keep thinking this too will pass.